Next Live Session (recordings available for any sessions you've missed):
Join our FREE week of masterclasses to finalise your actionable plan of exactly what legal documents you need to get in place and in what order - and take the first steps to getting your business legally protected!
Get to grips with what you specifically need for your business to get its legal foundations and protection in place. In the sessions you will work out what type of client contract you need, what regulations it needs to comply with and what you need on your website to make it legally compliant.
At the end of the event you will have a plan for what you need to do next, taking you from the ‘rabbit in the headlights’ stage to your first confident step along the path to getting your legals sorted.
Breathe a sigh of relief as the heaviness around the whole legal topic lifts - you can get this sorted with ease and calm - and even some fun!
"I have found everything really helpful and have already got the terms of use, cookie policy and the privacy policy on my website, along with the terms and conditions for my online checkout and the 1:1 coaching contract sorted - Iā€™m so glad to be part of your community!"
"Before I joined the legal membership I was giving my services away for free because I didnā€™t feel able to charge people without a proper contract. Now I know that everything is in place and protecting me. Everything is clear for clients and I love the fact if anything crops up you are there. "
"Hiring Natasha is one of the best things I've done for my coaching business. Natasha found a way to make the creating of my contract and terms and conditions super simple and fun even. I never thought I'd say that about legal work. "
"I love the vibe of this group and want to thank you all. And I feel less like a bunny before headlights when I think of this subject! Thank you! xx"
"Having a professional coaching agreement means that I've felt on the top of my game from the start and it creates a beautifully strong foundation between me and my clients as well. "
"I feel so supported by your expertise, and the way you make things easy for us. Thank you so much for co-creating out life changing businesses."